Operational Excellence Data Dashboards

A Commitment to
Operational Excellence

威尼斯官网在线的卓越运营表现在几个不同的方面. It is shown through our direct service to schools and students; our adherence to sound financial practices; our commitment to environmental stewardship; and how we hire, retain, and develop the best staff in public education. 衡量我们在这些关键领域的成功是我们持续努力的重要组成部分,以支持我们的学生取得成功,并表明我们致力于不断改进. 持续改进的道路要求我们使用数据来评估项目和服务, use data to guide improvement efforts, and to use data to be able to develop a needs-driven budget. These MCPS Data Dashboards are an effort to share with the community the measures, trends, and various data points we use to examine, guide, and improve operations in Montgomery County Public Schools.


More than 100,000 of our students rely on MCPS buses to get to school and back home, and to travel for athletic games and enriching field trips. A system of buses, operators, trainers, and maintenance personnel ensure we can do that each and every day.

On-time Bus Arrival

蒙哥马利县的校车为学生提供前往蒙哥马利县200多所学校和马里兰州特殊学校的交通服务, Virginia and Washington, DC. Buses are parked strategically throughout the county at six transportation depots. 每个仓库都有加油系统、维修车间和仓库管理办公室. Buses also provide transportation for summer school, field trips and other community activities year-round. 我们的准时到达数据监控了一个非常重要的目标,即确保学生及时到校开始他们的教学日.

Preventable Bus Accidents

所有校车事故都由MCPS事故审查委员会和马里兰州指导方针确定可预防/不可预防. 交通部设定了每年不超过45起可预防事故的目标,以衡量安全培训方面的努力, review, and accident mitigation. For all preventable accidents, 涉及的巴士营办商必须参加MCPS意外复习/训练课程. These training classes are held monthly through the school year.

Police Citations of Motorists

校车配备了摄像技术,可以记录下那些违反交通法规、经过停在路边的校车的司机. 这些数据代表了警方根据校车摄像头拍摄的视频向驾车者发出的传票. Beginning in October 2016, new and expanded technology was implemented that is able to record more violations.

Food & Nutrition

MCPS食品和营养服务部每年为学生提供超过1600万份膳食. Preparing, delivering, and serving this many meals requires attention to detail, fiscal planning, and detail-oriented staff.

Food and Nutrition Services

我们为学生提供的各种儿童营养计划超过了美国农业部制定的要求. MCPS is committed to providing high-quality, 为所有学生提供营养膳食和零食,因为我们认识到饥饿的孩子无法学习.

FARMS Recipients

有资格享受免费和减价膳食系统(FARMS)服务的学生人数比以往任何时候都要多. 我们仍然有大量的学生来自经济困难的家庭,面临粮食不安全的问题. 学校膳食计划和夏季食品服务计划提供了保持学生健康所需的营养.

Weekend Backpack Food Program

周末背包计划为面临食品不安全的小学生及其家庭提供服务. There are three non-profit partners that provide the program. 这些合作伙伴制定了一个共同目标,即向所有有50%以上学生有资格获得“农场”服务的小学提供周末食品援助.

Facilities Management
& Environmental Sustainability

支持性的学习环境和高效的工作空间是设施管理司的职责. The many millions of square footage in our nearly 300 buildings is designed, maintained, and cleaned by a team of dedicated professionals.

Maintenance Work Orders Received vs Completed

数据显示了学校要求维修的次数以及中央服务部门发起的一些预防性维修. The data are tracked in order to monitor work requested and completed, the number of requests, the gap between work needed and work completed, and the time taken to complete requests.

Budgeted vs Actual Maintenance and Repairs

这些数据用于准备支持维护的预算请求,以最大限度地延长建筑物的使用寿命. 这些数据还用于分析在资本更新延期后维护旧设施的需要, or the need to increase proactive preventative maintenance.

Actual Building Inspections vs Targeted

数据表示实际完成的建筑物检查数量与目标数量. 这些楼宇检查评估楼宇的清洁度和运作情况,以及楼宇维修工人的工作. 学校每年应接受两次检查,其他设施应接受一次检查. Productivity in terms of the number completed is impacted by weather, other emergency responses that arise, and staff shortages.

Local Building Inspection Results

建筑服务区监督员在当地进行定期检查,并给出一个字母级别的质量. The target is for all inspections to receive a grade of "B" or above.

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Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

MCPS通过各种可持续发展项目和投资来监测其减少温室气体排放的努力. The data track these reductions in six categories: energy retrofits, wind energy purchases, recycling, solid waste reductions, School Energy and Recycling (SERT) Program reductions, and energy efficiency improvements implemented through the construction program. In FY16, 减少的能源效益效益,是由于学校采用了新的节能基准计算方法. Since 2003, MCPS has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by over 70,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent or MTCO2e. This represents a 30 percent reduction in the MCPS carbon footprint since 2003.

Trash Generation vs Enrollment

MCPS has been decreasing its trash generation even with increasing enrollment. MCPS对回收利用和跟踪这些努力的效果作出了重大承诺. Montgomery County requires the recycling of four categories of material: paper/cardboard, bottles/cans, yard waste, and scrap metal.

Materials Management

Whether it is books, furniture, or cleaning supplies the Department of Materials Management stocks, delivers, and supplies our schools, facilities, and staff with all they need to support teaching and learning in our classrooms and offices.

Logistical Requests Completed within 5 days

材料管理部(DMM)管理一个仓库和分销网络,提供必要的教科书, instructional materials, classroom and office supplies, science kits, furniture, equipment, and test materials to schools and offices. DMM认识到这些请求是时间敏感的,并努力实现在五个工作日内完成请求的目标.

Copier Repair Services

我们支持需要教学材料的学校的主要目标之一是为所有教师提供可靠的复印机,以便在每个上学日都能随时使用. 我们监控维修的响应时间,以确保我们遵守与委托人签订的服务协议(目标是在48小时内完成维修)。, 我们实现这一目标的主要绩效衡量标准是减少维修和增加预防性维护.